


無聊時候總會想起要把bsw 裡面的info box 加入頭像, 但是總是找不到方法, google 又因為搜尋到大量德文而看不懂. 最近無聊終於發現了加入頭像(avatar) 的方法. 原來關鍵字不是avator, 是phpto in the info box!!!!!! 搜尋avator 反而是找到一大堆阿凡達的討論, 真的聰明反被聰明誤(自稱聰明)

How do I get a photo into my player info?

Send a photo of yourself to The following points should be considered:
•The photo must be in the jpg format
•It should be 64 pixels wide and 80 pixels high
•The name of the photo must be the same as your login name including character case
•You should again include your Login ID including character case in the e-mail.
Photos are added about every three weeks. If you follow the above guidelines, you should have your photo added in a prompt manner.

就是說如果你要加入頭像, 請把一個jpg 制式的圖片寄到 他必須是64x80的大小. 檔案的名字必須是你的login id(必須依從字母大小). 在你的email之中應該再寫一次你的login id, 方便admin.

你的頭像應該會在三星期之內被更新. 有趣的是我是曾經看過人把動漫的頭像成功upload過上去(naoki aiba)! 如果有興趣的話, 可以即管試試:)

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