

starcaft2 小技

不過既然不是什麼原創的文章, 我不獻醜翻譯了

Tricks you didn't know worked!
huge post warned!

Because using unusual and interesting combinations can be quite fun, I thought it might be fun to make a thread to share little in-game tricks and combinations that might work in ways you don't always think of when you just read the unit tool tips. I'll throw a few out to start. :)

For example, did you know that...

...a sentry's Guardian Shield ability stacks with the Immortal's Hardened Shield; causing all attacks against them to be reduced to a maximum of 8 damage?

...false Immortals made with Hallucination still have Hardened Shields?

...Hallucination units can be used to grant vision for Blink and other fun abilities?

...a burrowed zerg unit can prevent a building from being placed in that location (particularly fun if you drop a zergling or a roach at someone's natural expansion).

...Phoenix can Graviton Beam an SCV that is currently constructing a building to freeze the building's construction.

...the Broodlings created by Broodlords can be upgraded for better melee damage and armor at the Evolution Chamber.

...Psi Storm deals exactly the same damage to flying units. (Paul - Thanks for the correction!)

...Damage spells such as Psi Storm or Yamato Cannon completely bypasses the Immortal's Hardened Shield.

...a burrowed baneling can have it's unburrow ability smart-cast to pop up when an enemy draws near, allowing it to function like a landmine. (MATRIX)

...a baneling can be detonated while burrowed for full damage. (MATRIX)

...Creep Tumor's construction can be canceled, allowing you to replace it in a new spot. (Checkmate)

...Chrono Boost can affect both a Hive's normal larva production and a Queen's Spawn Larva ability. (Checkmate)

...Contaminate will prevent a building from landing or lifting off. (Checkmate)

...a Ghost's EMP will drain all the energy from a Command Center or Nexus. (Checkmate)

...Banelings are not light units. (Checkmate)

...You can build Creep Tumors on an enemy Zerg player's creep. (Checkmate)

...You can use another player's Tech Labs and Reactors by attaching your buildings to it. (Checkmate and Ramenth)

...Colossus can be carried by Warp Prisms. (Starsrift)

...MULES can be used to trigger location-based quest objectives in single-player missions. (Minda)

...If you set a building's rally point as a unit, new units will follow that unit until given a different command. (Minda)

...If you use the move command to order an SCV to follow a specific unit, it will follow it, and repair it automatically. (Minda)

...Warp Gates are automatically hotkeyed to W. (Executor)

...Medivacs can carry Vikings. (GenericName)

...Units can not activate a Xel'naga watch tower while burrowed. (seanconnery)

...Spells like Fungal Growth and Psi Storm can wipe out Larvae in a single cast. (Dumpstercake / River)

...Banelings with a speed upgrade are as fast as the Hellion when on creep. (Checkmate)

...MULES or Infested Terran Eggs can be dropped to cause siege tanks to splash their own infantry. (Ninja / DaeSMachA)

...Changelings ordered to follow an enemy unit will better blend in with a moving army. (Checkmate)

...Changelings can be used to block melee unit's pathing, because hostile units will not automatically target the disguised Changelings. (Checkmate)

...MULES can be called down to do field repairs on damaged units and vehicles. (Checkmate)

...You can cancel a hatchery mid construction to quickly create a small patch of creep at a cost of 75 minerals. (Checkmate)

...Unloading a Medivac full of Marauders on top of a squad of banelings is a good way to force a premature detonation with minimal loss of life. (Checkmate)

...You can shift-queue multiple overlords to drop off units while moving simultaneously. (Checkmate)

...You can never have more than 19 larvae at a single zerg Hatchery. (Checkmate)

...Two burrowed banelings with Destroy Buildings and Unborrow both set to autocast can instantly destroy a hatchery as it is being morphed in at an expansion, as well as kill the drone morphing it. (Checkmate)

...MULES ignore mineral node saturation. (GenericName)

...EMP can force permanently cloaked units out of cloaking for a short time. (GenericName)

...Photon Cannons have a greater range than a Planetary Fortress. (GenericName)

...Auto-turrets from the Raven benefit from the Building Armor upgrade. (Checkmate)

...flying units can be used to trigger a burrowed zerg unit with unburrow set for Auto-Cast. (Jimmy)

...the Raven's Hunter Seeker Missile can target one of your cloaked units, allowing you to make kamakazi runs with cloaked ghosts or banshees. (Checkmate)

...Corrupters can cast Corruption on ground units. (Minda)

...You can EMP a Point Defense Drone to set it's energy to 0 and remove it's ability to block your shots. (Chirality / Paul)

...You can kill cloaked units by manually detonating Banelings, even without a detector. (Oboeman)

...You can Neural Parasite an enemy Queen and have her to make creep tumors to allow you vision on the enemy hatchery. (Sweetness)

...Hunter Seeker Missile's splash damage hits both air and ground units, regardless of target. (Checkmate)

...Hunter Seeker Missile can be dodged with Blink. (Checkmate)

...Burrowed Roaches and Infesters can move under force fields. (Checkmate)

...Hallucinations can be used to effectively destroy enemy banelings. (Checkmate)

...Hallucinatory Phoenix can chew through a Point Defense Drone's energy very quickly. (Checkmate)

...Void Rays retain their charge during a mass recall. (Checkmate)

...You can pick up Larva and Zerg eggs with Graviton Beam. (River)

...Flying buildings can be used to grant your units vision of the high ground. (koko)

...You can share control of your units in Cooperative games. (koko)

...Workers generally are more effective offensively if you simply attack-move with them. (koko)

...If you repeatedly Neural Parasite an SCV, you can eventually get it to build you a full Terran Command Center. (Autoturrets)

...Fungal Growth can temporarily reveal cloaked units. (Hybrid)

...Banelings are quite effective at killing enemy larva. (NEO)

Note: Woah... This list got huge! Too huge! I had to continue it here!

Holy crap, guys. O_o I come back to the forums after three days, and find that not only is this thread still going, but it's actually grown so large, I can't fit all these tricks into the original post anymore! Cheers all around for helping make this such an epic thread! :D

...Feedback will render most casting units useless for a short time, even if it doesn't kill them outright. (EvilLost)

...Zealots with the first tier attack upgrade can kill a zergling with 2 hits instead of three. (EvilLost)

...You can combine 1 High Templar and 1 Dark Templar to make an archon. (EvilLost)

...You can queue a group of Neural Parasites after a move command to have your Infesters all take control simultaniously. (Checkmate)

...Changelings can be dropped onto Siege Tanks, allowing you to force splash from multiple tanks as the changeling shifts forms. (Checkmate)

...Corruptors have 2 Armor, where as Vikings and Phoenix have 0. (Checkmate)

...An Ultralisk with 6 armor will die faster to a Zealot than it will to a Carrier. (Checkmate)

...While morphing to an Overseer, an Overlord has 2 additional armor. (Checkmate)

...Any unit that morphs (Banelings, Overseers, Brood Lords, Archons) will have it's hit points restored to full upon completion. (Checkmate)

...Infested Terran eggs are an excellent tool for absorbing Siege Tank damage while your units close in. (Checkmate)

...Archons do not take extra damage from any type of attack, and have a small AoE effect to their attacks. (Checkmate)

...Despite having a phenominal 350 Shield Points, Archons only have 10 hit points. (Checkmate)

...A well-microed Phoenix can kill up to six Mutalisks on it's own. (Autoturrets)

...You can chain Build/Cancel a drone at an enemy gas node to slow down their ability to take advantage of it. (mattsacre)

...You can break a worker free from being surrounded by enemy units by ordering it to gather resources. (Taurus)

...Dark Templar can hold a Xel'Naga watch tower while cloaked, but it does not get priority over uncloaked units. (Jabberwock)

...You can use Feeback on Point Defense Drones. (Jabberwock)

...Terran Add-ons each counts as a separate building for scoring purposes. (wiz)

...Multiple Creep Tumors in close proximity spread creep significantly faster than a single Creep Tumor. (Kolesterol)

...Siege Tanks vision distance is less than their firing range in Siege Mode. (Kolesterol)

...Placing Creep Tumors near a cliff will cause the creep to spread faster due to less surface area. (Seraph)

...Using Neural Parasite on a zerg egg kills it. (Protein / TLO)

...Vikings can land and lift off when affected by Fungal Growth. (Flaminyawn)

...A Neural Parasited Drone can not morph into a building. (Nick)

...A Corrupter's high armor value means it takes next to no damage from the Phoenix. (Autoturrets)

...Vikings can destroy Battle Cruisers while staying outside the Battle Cruiser's range, though not the Yamato Cannon's. (Autoturrets)

...You can set a building's Rally Point to a Bunker or Nydus Worm and have it automatically Load. (TheLordGersh)

...A Neural Parasited Mothership will cloak all of your units while under your control. (PsyChoTik)

...You can hit cloaked units with splash damage by attacking your own nearby units manually. (Instance)

...A Neural Parasited Medivac will heal a zerg army while it's controlled. (MooseSoup)

...You can use an Overlord's ability to Generate Creep to allow Creep Tumors to scale cliffs. (Taym)

...You can tell if a Roach has the ability to move while burrowed by looking to see if it has small crystal shards glowing on it's back. (Taym)

...A roach with a +1 Attack upgrade can kill a zergling in two hits, rather than 3. (Taym)

...Colossus share their collision layer with Burrowed units, allowing you to possibly trap a Colossus with burrowed units. (Taym)

...You can recall Warp Prisms in their Phase Mode. (Taym)

...You can queue Stalkers to Blink across obstacles so they don't get split up accidentally. (Autoturrets)

...You cannot Neural Parasite a transport unit if it is carrying units inside of it. (fileskiller)

...The Queen's ground attack is considered a ranged attack, and can thus attack units on different elevations. (Muykul)

...Due to Zerg Regeneration, an Ultralisk will survive a Thor's 250mm Cannons with 1 hp left. (River)

...Due to Zerg Regeneration, a Hydralisk will survive a Psionic Storm with 1 hp left. (River)

...You can queue Burrow commands. (Taym)

...A patrolling worker won't attack. (Taym)

...If you Neural Parasite a Mothership, you can mass-recall your own army. (Wilder)

...If you're fast, you can have an Infester use an ability and burrow simultaneously. (Wilder)

...Placing a Psi Storm on a Vortex at the end of it's duration is a great way to damage all the units caught inside. (Wilder)

...Nydus Worms generate Creep. (Wilder)

...Creep tumors generate vision. (Thanks for the clarification, Sorkd)

...Flying units on patrol will ignore collision and stack up. (Nagalol)

...If you cancel a Zerg Building as it's being morphed, the drone is recreated, allowing you to potentially bypass your current supply limit, albeit at a small cost in minerals. (Nagalol)

...Nydus Worms do not require creep to place. (Nagalol)

...Destroying a power source while a Protoss unit is warping in through it kills the unit being warped. This does, however, refund the cost of the unit and reset the warp-in cool down. (Nagalol; Impact - Thanks for the confirmation.)

...Terran Missile Turrets are amongst the strongest anti-air defenses in the game, especially against lighter targets such as Mutalisks. (Nagalol)

...Void Rays, while moving, will sometimes randomly target and attack anything that's hostile within their proximity, sometimes killing weak units and structures near destruction in their way. (Nagalol)

...Phoenix can attack while moving. (Nagalol)

...SCVs loaded into a Command Center when the building is destroyed will survive, though not if the Command Center is flying at the time. (Nagalol)

...High Yield Mineral expansions typically only have 6 nodes, rather than the usual 8. (Nagalol)

...MULES gather 42 minerals per trip at a Rich Mineral Vein. (Nagalol)

...You can use Chrono Boost and Spawn Larvae through the minimap. (Velasan)

...Colossus provide vision as if it were a flying unit. (BrandonReyes)

...Spine Crawlers can 2-shot Larva. (Mario)

...Feedback can kill most energy using units if they are at or above 75%. (EvilLost)

...Burrowed Roaches can move through a lowered Supply Depot, and can even prevent it from being raised again. (kNoxqUickies)

...Changelings, MULES, and Hallucinations can all control a Xel'naga watch tower. (Impact)

...A Nydus Network can hold up to 255 units. (Impact)

...You can Mine through a Nydus Worm by setting the rally points from the Worm and the Network to the Hatchery and the Mineral patch, respectively. This does require you to hit the unload command, however. (Impact)

...Ultralisks are immune to most every status change. (Impact)

...Massive units, such as Ultralisks, Thors, and Colossus can destroy Force Fields by moving over them. (Impact)

...You can charge Void Rays on friendly buildings or destructible rocks. (Impact)

...a Carrier can back up a bit after launching interceptors to maximize it's range. (Impact)

...Guardian Shield affects air units, even if they aren't visibly within the bubble. (River)

...Roaches can burrow under Force Fields. (River)

...Terrans can use their Orbital Command to supply drop on an ally's supply depots. (DJRegs - Confirmed; Thanks Impact)

...You can use a Warp Prism's Phase Mode to supply the power needed to begin a building's construction. (Msyk)

...Once a building begins the Warp-in process, it does not require power to continue building. (Msyk)

...Any ground unit that isn't a temporary unit can use a Nydus Worm owned by that player, even Colossus, Vikings, and Thors. (Madness)

...Using Neural Parasite on an SCV or Probe doesn't increase your maximum supply beyond 200. (Madness)

...You can send workers through a wall by ordering it to gather from a resource node on the other side. (igil)

...Clicking and holding a unit's portrait will cause the camera to follow that unit. (Autoturrets)

...a Siege Tank caught in a vortex will no longer be in siege mode when it emerges. (Chakkin)

...Using Vortex, Graviton Beam, or similar abilities that incapacitate a unit on a Ghost during a Nuclear Launch will cancel the launch, but still expend the nuke. (Chakkin)

...You can queue the rally points for a building, allowing you to rally a Barracks to multiple bunkers to load them up automatically. (Chakkin)

...SCVs can repair any mechanical unit in the game, including Protoss units. They can not, however, repair protoss buildings. (Chakkin)

...Burrowed Infesters and Roaches cast a shadow when moving, allowing them to be spotted visually. (Chakkin)

...Holding ALT and pressing the hotkey for a spell, or right-clicking the spell's icon, will set it to autocast if available. (Benevolent)

...Once you've morphed a Lair, Overlords retain their ability to generate creep for the rest of the game. (Benevolent)

...If you don't set your waypoint at a hatchery, eggs will sit at 100% completion indefinitely should the hatchery be blocked by too many units. (Benevolent)

...An enemy larva can be targeted with Neural Parasite and morphed into a friendly unit. (Benevolent)

...If you Neural Parasite an Infester, and use it's ability to Neural Parasite another Infester, the first Neural Parasite will immediately expire, though the Neural Parasite on the Second Infester will still behave normally. (Benevolent)

...You can Neural Parasite a Changeling. Doing so will stop it's death timer. (Benevolent)

...Morph Baneling can not be queued in a command string, although Morph Overseer and Morph Broodlord can. (Benevolent)

...If you completely surround a Command Center/Hatchery/Nexus with units, the workers will be unable to return gathered resources. (Benevolent)

...If you set an SCV to Auto-Repair, you can order them to move to a location, and then queue a command to return to gathering resources. They will automatically repair everything within range, and then return to work. (Benevolent)

...Large Groups of Warp Prisms can have their Phase Modes queued individually. (Benevolent)

...Warp Prisms can load or unload units while in Phase Mode. (Benevolent)

...Roaches ordered to Hold Position can effectively block a ramp. (Bakka)

...You can queue move orders to individual Zerg eggs. (Bakka)

...Workers are faster than Marines and Zealots, but not Zerglings. (Bakka)

...If a worker is attacking a drone, morphing the drone into a building, even temporarily, disrupts the attack order. (Bakka)

...If you attack-move a worker near a terran building as it's being constructed, the worker will target the SCV if able. (Bakka)

...You can paste text in the in-game chat box. (Bakka)

...Enemies can hear the sound of you Chrono Boosting if nearby. (Bakka)

...A large group of clustered Overlords can Generate Creep rapidly by queuing Move and Generate Creep commands. Even though the creep will be generated rapidly, it will disappear at it's normal rate. (Bakka)

...You can unload a transport while it's moving by Issuing the Unload command on the transport itself. (Bakka)

...Fungal Growth is an effective way to lock down air units using hit-and-run tactics. (Bakka)

...Sensor Sweep gives vision in a radius roughly twice the size of the Sweep graphic. (Bakka)

...Placing a tank in Siege Mode at a Xel'naga watch tower allows it to make maximum use of it's firing range without other units to support it. (Bakka)

...You can hear Queens spawn regardless of where your camera is currently focused on the map. (Bakka)

...Pressing Backspace will cycle through all your Command Centers/Nexus/Hatcheries. (Bakka)

...Keeping a large group of Overlords over a ground army can help prevent the units from being focus-fired. (Bakka)

...The light generated from a Nexus is much brighter when it is building a Mothership than when it's building a Probe. (Bakka)

...You can block off a standard-sized ramp with only two pylons. (Bakka)

...You can right-click the Repair button on an SCV to have it auto-repair. (Bakka)

...You can right-click the Build Interceptor button on a carrier to have it constantly build towards eight interceptors. (Bakka)

...Resource Nodes take priority over units on the minimap display. (Bakka)

...Drones recover health when morphing into a building. (Impact)

...The first two air attack upgrades increase the Mutalisk's splash damage, while the third one does not. (Impact)

...Force Fields can trap enemy units inside of them. (Impact)

...You can build Zerg buildings on an enemy player's creep. (Arturo)

...Repeatedly clicking a critter will cause it to explode. (Impact)

...You can push an Archon while it's merging. (Impact)

...Banelings have a kill counter and an attack speed. (Impact)

...An SCV can begin construction on a building on a ramp, press halt, and resume building it later, and still have it block the ramp in the interim. (Impact)

...You can Chrono Boost a warp gate to decrease the time Warp-in takes. (Acacia)

...Halted buildings can be canceled. (Autoturrets)

...Banelings affected by Graviton Beam can damage air units. (RedHadouken - Can someone confirm this one, please?)

...Ghosts are not light units. (PyroGX)

...To destroy a non-depleted Point Defense Drone, a Zerg player must rely on an Infester. Any of the Infester's three spells can neutralize it. (PyroGX)

...Hallucinated Colossus are considered massive units, and can thus destroy Force Fields. (Insignia)

...Contaminate on Hatcheries halts Larva production. (insanity)

...Ctrl+Clicking on the Idle Worker icon will select all idle workers at once. (PTZ)

...Shift+Clicking on the Idle Worker icon will add the workers to a group on at a time. (PTZ)

...You can hotkey specific camera locations to the function keys by setting your camera to a position, and then pressing CTRL + the desired function key. (Shmu)

...Xel'naga watch tower's last known status is visible through the fog of war. (NaN)

...A Spine Crawler wall will let all light units through. (Skoundrell)

and no, the credits don't go to me.

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