所以放著係個BLOG 度先, 等其他香港人想買SC2 0既可以參考一下
一來小道消息話澳洲同新加坡都非常多人訂美版, 澳洲0既你可以上去blizzard 個條petition thread 個度睇到幾多人想同美國佬玩, 久唔久會見到d reply 有一咋人出黎話會買美版, 新加坡source 就唔見左, 自己搵
二來個d 東南亞國家仔, player base 唔會大得去邊, 而且佢地0既network 都唔會太好, 個game 會唔會唔lag 我好有保留...
三來d custom map 呢...
二來台灣個network 一向都唔多好
用netvigator 仲久唔久紅ping, 十足十月經咁, 但係你睇返其實hkbn 可能會好少少, 但係久唔久都係咁, 一陣如果佢搬過server 去台灣就大獲. 家陣據聞server 係係韓國, 所以問題不大.
我之前玩過aoe3, 其實港台人都唔會好多
仲有又係custom map 個問題
反而我打美版真係打咁耐都冇乜點lag, 有人會提到可能ping 高會影響micro, 但係如果你俾我選擇ping 穩定地2xx 定係久唔久就跳紅ping loss package, 我選擇2xx ping...
上面有人提到高ping 可能影響micro, 但係係美版實戰我覺得2xx ping 其實唔會太影響
blizzard 自稱(佢講0既, 佢會唔會做我唔知)佢之後會開放cross-region, 聽著先啦下.
不過無論如何, 都會試完佢個公測先扑鎚決定
btw 如果有人當日買左台版知道有冇英文語音請回報一下, thx
Before locking Australians to SE Asia | 07/23/2010 04:02:45 AM GMT+08:00
and you can search for another thread concerning tracert from australia to se asia
Poll for Aus, NZ & SG: US or SEA version? 06/03/2010 05:39:00 PM GMT+08:00
I've also seen 2 other polls on the major gaming forums from Singapore. 90% of the players from the first forum and 77% of the players from the second forum intended to purchase the US version. This is despite the fact that the servers are hosted locally in Singapore itself, and that Singaporeans are closer in terms of culture to the rest of the SEA countries.Australian players cannot play with US? | 07/23/2010 04:09:52 AM GMT+08:00
Have Australlians read this? | 07/23/2010 04:11:37 AM GMT+08:00
Starcraft 2: US version or SEA version? chrystle Jun 3rd, 10, 03:45 PM
However for those of you who have played any Battle.net game such as Starcraft, Diablo 1 & 2, WoW, Warcraft 3 or even DotA would know that almost all Singaporeans, Australians and NZers prefer to play on the US servers simply because the community there is better, and because people on the Asian servers speak in square boxes and question marks, whereas everyone speaks English on the US servers.
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