


今天打了一場有趣的半莊. ALL LAST 比較點差是這樣

對家(親) -5100
上家 -2300
自家 0
下家 +11700


insane probability question.

i have come accross quite a hard question in my secondary life. it took me a lot of time solving this in form 7 and perhaps it would be good for me to share and see what kind of new method we can come accross with this.

there are six couples inside a room. if two are selected at random, what is the probability that they are
 (a) (i) husband and wife,
       (ii)one mand and one woman?

(b) if four are selected at random, what is the probability that those who selected containing:
      (i) two couples,
      (ii) exactly one of the couple?

(c) if they are regrouped into six groups, what is the probability that
      (i)  each group is a couple,
      (ii) each group contains one man and one woman,
      (iii)teach group is of the same sex?

haha. thats hard enough for me.



 因為牌聚在打廣告中, 不想把廣告推走, 為免自己忘記, 先貼在這裡.

一直以來其實自己都想為中庸牌聚訂下最低限的罰則. 只是因為自己懶而且牌聚也有一定的水準, 所以一直在拖延沒有在做.

基本上我只是想為錯和一犯訂下罰則, 因為這個會公開自己手牌的情報, 如果錯和者開出來的是一個小牌, 當然沒什麼大問題. 但是如果錯和者開出來的是小牌, 當然會有其他人去故意打死章. 這樣會導致不公平. 那麼解決的辦法很簡單, 也就是不要讓錯和者銃和任何人即可. 也就是振聽. 錯和者可以立回手牌. 而不小心"斷橋"者則不在此限.

至於摸錯牌, 因為他不會影響其隨機性(除非自家洗牌疊), 因此免罰. 錯發聲鳴牌亦免罰. 鳴牌以後開牌發現不能鳴者作錯發聲鳴牌論. 當然, 有些人多犯這些例的話都一樣不需要罰的, 因為正常的人自然不會跟他們打牌.

至於不賭錢的free game 自然是一切免罰


starcraft 2 demo is up!

雖然我不知為什麼(也本身不知道)starcraft 2 是沒demo 的, 但是他還是來了. 想試一下starcraft 2的可以載來玩一下吧. 另外我還有兩條us version 7hour trial 的cd-key. 有興趣可以跟我要.


for sale


Recent Protoss teamgames build.

剛剛我的玩伴問了我最近一直在做的dt build. 其實這個就是一般很常見的dt rush 而已. 因為1vs1 之中dt rush 的效率很低, 所以不太常見. 但是在4vs4中, 因為人多, 這個build 就變得非常強大